What happened to Nemesis? Why is this European midlane prodigy not in a pro team? It all can be traced back to 2020 which can be arguably one of his toughest years.
Important context: Most of my claims come from a source that had first-hand experience and as well as player testimonies that suggest these events occured. I percieve this person to be a truthful, reliable actor. Essentially you have to rely on whether what I state is true or not, and I recognize that. You do what you will with the information provided to you.
+ Nemesis reacted to it and thought it was decently accurate with some minor inaccuracies! 😚
*More Context / Corrections:*
LS made a very big post on this video itself, have a look:
(copy paste this link after "youtube.com/")
- Moreover, Dardo stated in a podcast with Thorin in December of 2023 that the Nemesis REPLACEMENT leak was based on an inaccurate rumour posted on a website related to esports news and rumours. I'm guessing Nemesis sat on the news, and later leaked it after his tenure in Fnatic. This information came out in December of 2023, which is prior to my research date (October)
- Thorin also suggested that Wooloo is a non-credible actor. This video also came out in December of 2023, and was after my research period. As such, I did not know it. HOWEVER, it is important to note that in the claim Wooloo has specifically about the Selfmade drama is that
1. Up until that point, Thorin has shown that Wooloo can be unreliable and non-credible
2. As such, how do we know that the Selfmade post is then real
Corroborating statements suggest that Selfmade still was toxic (publicly: The Tolki Leak, and then of course my anonymous source).
- Bwipo FURTHER collaborated that Nemesis did have diet issues during Worlds 2020 (@: 01:52:51) https://youtu.be/-B-5RXJuIow?t=7012
- Bwipo is argued to not be a red player. I would argue otherwise via statements he made over in this video 7 months ago (relevant is 1-3 minutes). He provides how he thinks the game should be played which categorically is put in red. Being a red player isn't a flame. It just allows for dysfunctionality to happen easier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3ZfHkY6Zts&t=133s
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Thumbnail: https://twitter.com/SlickbackDesign
00:00 - Teaser
01:49 - Background
05:33 - 2019 Fnatic
06:48 - Beginning of the End (2020)
09:01 - Dysfunctionality - a mess
14:15 - Worlds 2020
21:32 - Aftermath
31:04 - Start of his Streaming Career
35:55 - Missed Opportunities
LEMMiNO - Melancholy (BGM)
LEMMiNO - Cipher (BGM)
LEMMiNO - Firecracker (BGM)
CC BY-SA 4.0
Some clips are from the Ruddy Podcast:
#leagueoflegends #nemesis #nemesislol #fnatic