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Gargoyles peer down at us from buildings, pop up on our TV screens, and exist within the fantasy worlds of role-playing games but do you know where they originated from?
Before these stoney grotesques became monsters they were just water spouts. We still adorn our buildings with the carvings and sculptures of the frightening, funny, and exaggerated forms—but why? Learn all about the strange history of the gargoyle monster and how the power of imagination turned some odd looking architecture into a legendary creature. #gargoyles #Gothic #MonstrumPBS
Written and Hosted by: Dr. Emily Zarka
Director: David Schulte
Executive Producer: Amanda Fox
Producer: Stephanie Noone
Illustrator: Samuel Allen
Editor: Sara Roma
Produced by Spotzen for PBS Digital Studios.
The world is full of monsters, myths, and legends and Monstrum isn’t afraid to take a closer look. The show, hosted by Emily Zarka, Ph.D., takes us on a journey to discover a new monster in each new episode. Monstrum looks at humans' unique drive to create and shape monster mythology through oral storytelling, literature, and film and digs deep into the history of those mythologies.
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“‘Alien’ gargoyle on ancient Paisley Abbey.” BBC.com, Aug. 23, 2013. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-23810979.
Are you Along in the House?: Growing Up with Gargoyles, Giant Turtles, Valerie Harper, The Cold War, Stephen King & Co-ed Call Girls. Ed. Amanda Reyes. Headpress, 2017.
Baum, L. Frank. Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz. Ed. John Rea Neill. Dover Publications, 1984.
Benton, Janetta Rebold. Holy Terrors: Gargoyles on Medieval Buildings. Abbeville Press, 1997.
Bjork, Robert E. The Oxford Dictionary of the Middles Ages. Oxford University Press, 2010.
Bridaham, Lester Burbank. Gargoyles, Chimeres, and The Grotesque in French Gothic Sculpture. Architectural Book Publishing Co., Inc., 1930.
D& D Monster Manual. Wizards of the Coast LLC, 2014.
Di Renzo, Anthony. American Gargoyles: Flannery O’Connor and the Medieval Grotesque. Southern Illinois University Press, 1995.
Henderson, Gretchen. Ugliness: A Cultural History. Reaktion Books, 2015.
Sherman, Josepha. Storytelling: An Encyclopedia of Mythology and Folklore. Routledge, 2008.
Smith, Clark Ashton. “The Maker of Gargoyles.” The Maker of Gargoyles and Other Stories. Wideside Press LLC, 2013.
Weinstock, Jeffrey Andrew. The Ashgate Encyclopedia of Literary and Cinematic Monsters. Taylor & Francis, 2016.