Hey there! 👋
This Dr. Blessy Maria Joseph. I was an FMG , graduated from caucasus university , Georgia last year. I have cleared my FMGE exam in the very first attempt. In this video Im sharing my journey of preparation . Hope it helps all the malayali FMGs out there because i have made this in malayalam.
If you would like to see more such videos , feel free to comment down below.
You can reach me through
Instagram 📲https://instagram.com/_.ble_ssy._?igshid=ZDc4ODBmNjlmNQ==
Snapchat 👻https://www.snapchat.com/add/blessy205?share_id=-DPfLw6jw6g&locale=en-GB
Thank you for your time!
See you in the next video😍😁
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