Hi guys!
Leaves, leaves leaves! Lots of leaves in all our adult colouring book pages. So here is my next ‘How I Colour – Autumn Series’ video…Leaves, of course!
I love to colour leaves, I find them so relaxing. So I really enjoyed putting together this video for all of you. In this video I share with you my process for colouring autumn leaves, with some different colour combinations to depict the change in the colours we see through autumn.
As always, I have used Faber Castell Albrecht Dürer pencils, dry – you can match up the colours exactly with the Polychromos. Or use a conversion chart so you can use your favourite pencils.
I hope you enjoy watching this video. Hopefully I will see you again on the next video.
Happy colouring!
If you wish to say ‘hello’ somewhere other than YouTube:
Instagram: @shelscolouringjourney2020
E-mail: shelscolouringjourney@gmail.com
#adultcoloring #coloring #fabercastell #autumn