Today I am showing you how I cook my steaks. I paired the steaks today with a Chimichurri sauce, Carrots, Asparagus, and White Rice. I am by no means a Michelin star chef but I do know how to eat!
As you watch more "How to cook Steak" videos and watch how other people do theirs, you will eventually get better..... I think? I hope you enjoy the video as much as I enjoyed making it.
0:00 Intro
1:42 The Steak Preparation
6:52 The Chimichurri Preparation
11:50 The Rice
13:15 The Chimichurri Mix
14:36 The Steak in the Oven
14:52 The Carrot
15:32 The Asparagus
16:20 The Sear
22:15 The Vegetables in the Oven
22:45 The Sear Continued
29:41 The Final Dinner, Bon Appetito!
In the cooking process, sometimes its got to get smoky before it gets good ;)
As always like, subscribe and comment below with what you want to see next or any feedback on how I can improve. Thank you for watching!