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天生讀寫障礙的我如何考入亞洲頂尖大學?怎麼努力都不比別人好?這些年我經歷了什麼...How I got into TOP 5 Asian University with Dyslexia & ADD…

The Reynolds Family 251,776 2 years ago
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小時候的我,不管怎麼努力成績依然不好… 📚❌ How does it feel as a kid to constantly achieve low grades no matter how hard you try? 📚❌ 因為學習方式和其他人不一樣,被同學們排擠… 🙇‍♀️ How does it feel to be left out from friends because you seem to be different? 🙇‍♀️ 發現自己在學習上有特別需要,是什麼感覺?🤯 What does it feel like to then discover you have Special Educational Needs? 🤯 這些需要又代表了什麼?有學習障礙依然能在學校取得成功嗎? What does it mean to have these needs and can success at school really be achieved??? 在這集的VLOG裏,我想和大家分享一下小時候因為學習障礙而遇到的各種困難,以及當時的我是如何在家人的幫助下克服它們,並考入亞洲頂尖的大學 - HKU !👩‍🎓 In this VLOG I open up about my REAL experiences with my own Special Educational Needs and reveal how I overcame my own obstacles, with the help of my family, to attend one of the top universities in all of Asia, HKU. 👩‍🎓 來看看我和大家分享我帶著學習障礙成長的三個篇章。 Watch along as I break down my very own learning journey into 3 key chapters of my life and build a genuine picture of living with SEN. 身為一個學習上、社交上都不順利的小朋友,是什麼感覺?🫠 What is it like as a young kid struggling both academically and socially without understanding why? 🫠 要成功考入頂尖大學,究竟需要什麼? What does it take to succeed enough to earn a place at one of the most prestigious universities? 成功考入大學後,又如何能夠集中精神,抗拒各種誘惑,突破學習上的重重難關?👀 And once you’re at that university, how do you maintain the control and drive to stay focused despite all the distractions? 👀 身為媽媽,又該如何用自身經驗為孩子建立最好的學習道路?👩‍👦‍👦 On top of all this, as a mother how do you then use all of your experiences to provide the best possible pathways for your own children to succeed? 👩‍👦‍👦 快來看看我透過個人經驗回答這些問題! Jump in and find out the answers to all these questions and more as I open up about every step of my journey. 希望大家喜歡這部影片,也希望我小小的個人經驗可以幫助有需要的人 ☺️ I hope you enjoy this video and hope my journey might offer a little help along the way too ☺️
