Introduction 00:00
Watercolor palette characteristics 0:40
Ideas to avoid paint beading + separation on mixing tray 1:35
How I choose my colors 5:27
How I organize my colors on my palette 11:28
Tips for filling in paint wells with watercolor tube paint 13:39
Swatching colors + creating a color chart 20:08
In this week's art video, I'm sharing my entire process for preparing a new watercolor palette using Daniel Smith tube paints.
I've included everything: what I do to prepare my plastic palette for less beading and color separation when mixing colors, how I choose the paint colors that I'll be adding in, how I organize my colors in my palette, how I fill in wells with tube paint, and how I create a color chart that I can keep coming back to over time. 👀🖌️
Lots of must-know information and tips are shared along the way. 👩🎨
Hope you enjoy and find this one helpful! 💙
► Other helpful drawing videos and resources:
How to Swatch Watercolors + Why It's Important *Blog post*
Mixing Interesting and Lively Greens with Watercolor
Mixing Darks with Watercolor: Why Avoid Using Ready-Made Blacks and How to Create Your Own Vibrant Darks
Watercolor Pencil 101
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Drawing/Watercolor Mini-Courses for the Total Beginner
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► Supplies Used
• Closable 18-Well Plastic Palette with Clear Tray
• Daniel Smith Extra Fine Watercolors - Watercolor Essentials Set of 6 (5 ml tubes)
• DANIEL SMITH Watercolor Set 5ml Tubes - Alvaro Castagnet Watercolor Set - 10 Tubes (5 ml)
• Daniel Smith Undersea Green (15 ml)
• Magritte Round Brush Set (7 brushes)
• Blue Scott shop towels
• Canson Heritage 100% Cotton, Cold Press 9.1” x 12.2”
► Artist Merch Studio Shop
► Camera:
-Canon T6 EOS Rebel DSLR Camera
-Manfrotto 196B-2 143BKT 2-Section Single Articulated Arm with Camera Bracket (Black)
Hulu Ukulele - Chris Haugen
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#watercolourtipsforbeginners #danielsmithwatercolorpalette