Book is out - HOCUS FOCUS : Coming of age with ADD and its Medicines. -
This is a part of my story of Adderall use and abuse.
I hope this can help anyone else on the path of healing, learning and growing.
Having taken amphetamines for most of my life and departing from them, I again feel called to communicate with the ADD/ADHD community about what I have experienced, the impressions left on me and the perspective I have developed over time.
Feel free to ask questions and respond so we can construct a better image of this situation as a whole
Please comment and subscribe and I will reply to comments in more video and we can engage in a dialogue that can get to the bottom of our relationship to substances that relate to attention.
I am learning so much, Thank you for watching.
do you take amphetamines? Do you like them? Are you ever worried about them being too strong? Have you tried alternatives? Have you tried to quit? Tell me all about it in the comments
Hit subscribe and learn all about it with me :@
Note: This video does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for medical problems without the advice of a physician, or qualified medical professional either directly or indirectly.
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