So for around two months ago Onett added trading to the game, so while we all wait for beesmas I decided to try something almost impossible... Turning a random sticker into bee bear cub, and after 250+ trades I finally made it and got the legendary BEE BEAR CUB SKIN!
This video is a summary of my last teen videos, which could be find on my channel, I decided to do this, because I back in beesmas 2019 just missed to get the cub, because I gave a translator to stick bug, with an impossible quest:/ So when this update came it was time to come back and finally get the cub skin of my dreams:)
Random tags and stuff^~*
#beeswarmsimulator #guide #gaming #gameplay #endgame #noob_to_pro #roblox #roblox #beesmas
noob to pro. How to get mythic eggs. Free mythic eggs. Free gifted mythic eggs. Free mythic bees. Spicy bee. tadpole bee. Fuzzy bee. Vector bee. Precise bee. insane luck. 1000% loot luck. Mythic meteor shower. Command chick. Beesmas. Trade. Noob to pro. Guide. Journey. Bee bear, bubble bee man.