hey description readers, this is my favourite video i've ever made. i really hope you like it as much as i do.
what is this game??
super auto pets! it's a completely free indie strategy game available on pc and mobile where you build a team of animals with different abilities. your pets battle other teams created by other players in either a singleplayer arena mode to try to get 10 wins or in a realtime versus game. every turn, you spend gold to buy pets and food to build your board and buff your units, and abilities get stronger as the game goes on. with over 250 pets in the game there are many crazy synergies to try and fun things to see.
this game has an amazing community here on youtube and an awesome competitive scene, both of which are worth exploring if you're interested, but it can also be enjoyed super casually.
get the game here:
steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1714040/Super_Auto_Pets/
android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.teamwood.spacewood.unity&pcampaignid=web_share
ios: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/super-auto-pets/id1597449908
play online without an account or downloading anything (computer only): https://teamwood.itch.io/super-auto-pets
engage with the community:
official discord: https://discord.gg/super-auto-pets-802850782877057044
subscribe for more content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa-JZxFcRIIhGmlSTy866nQ?sub_confirmation=1
helpful website for game information: https://www.groundedsap.co.uk
thanks to @Troubadour1 for helping with the music :)
music used: https://pastebin.com/D7gkDyTa
#rockonthemoon #superautopets