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—Kathleen Kennedy—
Just when we thought she was finally leaving… she’s not. Kathleen Kennedy announced she’ll be staying on with Lucasfilm *at minimum* for the next couple Star Wars movies before picking a successor, so the rumors of her retirement came back false. However, it’s a perfect time to chronicle everything she’s done to ruin Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Lucasfilm as a whole. Let’s take a deep dive into the never-ending train wreck that is Kathleen Kennedy’s career.
:: Timestamps ::
0:00 | The many crimes of Kathleen
3:57 | The Star Wars sequel trilogy
5:42 | Solo: The first Star Wars flop
7:23 | The great Director purge
8:42 | The Disney+ problem
11:21 | The canceled-project graveyard
13:28 | Indiana Jones and the Dial of Disaster
15:49 | The “girlification” of Star Wars & Indy
20:48 | Why she was never fired
22:31 | The Kennedy era has been a train wreck
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The Little Platoon | @TheLittlePlatoon
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Video editing by BagFace | @Iambagface
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