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一手改變台灣命運!美國外交教父「季辛吉」是誰?他到底做了什麼?《 時代的巨人》EP 017|志祺七七

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# #
00:00 開頭
01:16 【芒狗狗】廣告段落
02:02 季辛吉是誰?他的政治思想是什麼?
03:34 踏入政壇,引導美國對華政策轉向
04:56 打開美中友誼之門:季辛吉秘訪中國
06:19 美中關係深化,台灣成為棄子?
07:48 季辛吉政策對台灣造成的影響?
09:26 百歲季辛吉:台灣是「無解」問題
11:12 歷史評價:和平使者 vs 戰爭罪犯?
12:34 我們的觀點
14:22 提問
14:43 結尾

【 製作團隊 】



【 本集參考資料 】

→ The Legacy of Henry Kissinger | Council on Foreign Relations:
→ Henry Kissinger, Who Shaped U.S. Cold War History, Dies at 100 - The New York Times:
→ (26) Henry Kissinger - Secrets of a superpower | DW Documentary - YouTube:
→ Henry Kissinger Surveys the World as He Turns 100 - WSJ:
→ Henry Kissinger explains how to avoid world war three:
→ Opinion | Kissinger Was Right About China, and He Still Is - The New York Times:
→ The Kissinger years: flawed legacy of the man behind US cold war policy | Henry Kissinger | The Guardian:
→ Kissinger on Kissinger: ‘My job was to inspire, not to gratify’ | Henry Kissinger | The Guardian:
→ Five ways Henry Kissinger shaped the modern world:
→ Henry Kissinger: Divisive diplomat who shaped world affairs - BBC News:
→ Henry Kissinger’s Contradictions: How Strategic Insight and Moral Myopia Shaped America’s Greatest Statesman:
→ The Myth of Henry Kissinger | The New Yorker:
→ Henry Kissinger: Good or Evil? - POLITICO Magazine:
→ Getting to Beijing: Henry Kissinger's Secret 1971 Trip | US-China Institute:
→ Henry Kissinger: Divisive diplomat who shaped world affairs - BBC News:
→ The One Word That May Haunt Henry Kissinger - The New York Times:
→ Kissinger Sees War Over Taiwan Likely Unless US, China Back Down - Bloomberg:
→ Kissinger had a profound impact on Taiwan - The Japan Times:
→ The Kissinger Diaries: What He Really Thought About Vietnam - POLITICO Magazine:
→ Kissinger says Taiwan cannot be at the core of U.S.-China neogitations:
→ Kissinger on coexistence, Taiwan and the future of US-China relations - Defence Connect:
→ Indefensible Kissinger - POLITICO Magazine:
→ 偽君子季辛吉 - 紐約時報中文網:
→ 季辛吉去世:曾主導美國對華開放,一生毀譽參半 - 紐約時報中文網:
→ 季辛吉辭世 獲頒諾貝爾和平獎的戰爭犯,台灣人不愛他|天下雜誌:
→ 季辛吉傳奇一生評價兩極 回顧美國「外交教父」重要時刻 | 國際 | 中央社 CNA:
→ 季辛吉大事記 從舉家逃離納粹政權到擘劃美國外交政策 | 國際 | 中央社 CNA:
→ 中華民國為什麼被迫退出聯合國?──季辛吉再訪北京後聯合國風雲突變:
→ 美中外交的「巴基斯坦渠道」是什麼?:
→ 「乒乓外交」──1970年代,讓中美關係破冰的關鍵一球:

※ 影片中部分影像素材來自 Shutterstock、Envato與 Midjourney 。


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