HOW Many 6 Second STREET LEGAL Cars?! Sick Week 2025 - Alex Taylor, Steve Morris, Disco Dean + More🤯
Put a big done stamp on Sick Week 2025! Boy was that a longgg 5 days😅 Team Isky fought it out throughout the week! We even got to see Disco Dean complete his first EVER drag and drive event, how cool!!
Alex Taylor and Steve Morris put up their best fight, whileeee some like Tom Bailey didn't get off to a good start😅 Follow along for all 5 days here!
Dennis Taylor's 55 diagnosis 👇
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Isky IG: @iskycams
Isky FB: Isky Cams
Meg IG: @Megan___taylor
Meg FB: Megan Taylor
Alex IG: @alextaylorracing
Alex FB: Alex Taylor Racing
Alex YT: @RidingWithAlexTaylor
Dennis FB: Dennis Taylor
Dennis YT: @hotrodsbydennistaylor
Disco IG: @discodeankarns
Disco FB: Disco Deans "stinky pinky"
Disco YT: Disco Dean Stinky Pinky