We are The Kreke Family. Thank you for stopping by our YouTube home. We're a family of 12 living in a tiny house on 16 acres in the country where we homeschool our children and work together on our big goal of turning this property into a beautiful place that we can share with others.
Subscribe to join us in our journey! And follow me on Instagram for a daily look at our life... https://www.instagram.com/juliekreke/
For homeschool encouragement and a look into our home find me at www.thedelightfulhomeschool.com
We love to get mail…
Kreke Family
P.O. Box 323
Cedar Hill, MO 63016
Get 10% off all your orders for our favorite hand roasted COFFEE with code KREKE10 (Does not apply to bulk coffee orders or subscriptions) Find it here: https://www.shepherdscrookcoffee.com/
**and if you haven't used it yet... get a one time 25% off with the code KREKE25 (not for use with bulk orders or subscriptions, one code per email)
Visit our Storefront on Amazon to see our favorite products: https://www.amazon.com/shop/thekrekefamily-
Sign up for Azure Standard through our link and we’ll get a credit when you order. Thank you! https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=kNPU1RREkT
Find my dehydrator here: https://bit.ly/3UFHRHQ
For 10% off use code: JASONJULIE
Get a discount on BOOTS like ours: Use code KREKE for 15% off
HISEA boots: https://bit.ly/39dFb1z
Try Teaching Textbooks MATH for FREE here: https://u.teachingtextbooks.com/Free_Trial_JK6122
Try our favorite Arteza ART products: http://arteza.com/?utm_source=postaffiliatepro&utm_medium=affiliate&a_aid=Youtube_TheKrekeFamily (aff link)
We take classes through Compass Classroom: https://affiliates.compassclassroom.com/idevaffiliate.php?id=644
THE KREKE ("kray-key") FAMILY...
Jason & Julie: the parents! AKA "Papa & Mom"
Isabella: 16 years old
Leo: 15 years old
Silas: 13 years old
Elsie: 12 years old
Samuel: 9 years old
Jeremiah: 8 years old
James: 5 years old
Lydia: 4 years old
Benjamin: 2 years old
Everett: born February 1, 2023
Find the amazing Tuttle Twins books here: https://tuttletwins.com/ref/Jkreke/
This video's music is from Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/mrq8zj