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00:00 intro
00:48 first read
08:09 second read
12:04 third read
18:33 starting throne of glass
Tags: Book recommendations, TBR, monthly TBR, reading vlog, reading through my TBR, winter reading list, cozy winter reading vlog, cozy bookstore vlog, book shopping, book haul, booktubers, booktubers control what I read, huge book haul, huge book unboxing, come book shopping with me, TikTok book, booktok, bookstagram, booktube, reading challenge, Barnes and noble vlog, romance book recommendations, cozy fantasy book recommendations, Haley Pham reading vlog, sara carrolli reading vlog, destiny sidwell reading vlog, book girlies, Romantasy, fantasy romance, seasonal reading vlog, doing, reading for 24 hours, 24 hour reading vlog, 24 hour reading challenge, TBR tackle, TBR takedown, physical TBR, throne of glass, brandon sanderson,