In this video, Devon discusses how members of his adoptive family reacted when he told them he had found his birth family. Because our channel mainly focuses on the birth family that Devon and Ryan share, this is this first video where Devon opens up about his adoptive family.
In addition to his adoptive parents and grandparents, Devon talks about his adoptive sister and the fact that she, too, found her biological mother, though her experience was not what she had hoped for.
Please keep in mind that the experiences we share concerning our adoption reunion are extraordinary and far from the common outcome of adopted children finding members of their birth family.
00:00 – Intro
00:24 – Dad
02:41 – Mom
06:22 – Paternal Grandmother
09:49 – Maternal Grandmother
11:19 – Uncle (Dad’s Brother)
11:50 – Grandparents Revisited
12:49 – Birth Grandparents
13:33 – Sister (also adopted)
15:47 – Conclusion
About us: We're biological brothers who lived a large portion of our lives separate without knowing one another existed. Now we've bought land together! Join us on our adoption reunion journey!
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