The narcissist subjects you to 3 tests:
1. Are you capable of being idealized?
Minimal traits, assets, and behaviors.
2. Are you able to provide 2 of the 4 Ss?
Sex: find him irresistible, enthusiastic, consensual-submissive, prone to sexual fantasies, unboundaried-kinky, self-trashing, promiscuous.
Services (that he needs and lacks).
Supply (narcissistic or sadistic): adoring, uncritical, submissive, masochistic, self-loathing.
Safety: addictive personality, maternal bonding, loyal, inertial.
Are you vulnerable to shared fantasy?
Damaged-broken, daydreamer, abhors reality, romantic (even as a friend), grandiose, self-love deficit.
The ICD-11 does distinguish between mild, moderate, and severe levels of a clinically diagnosable personality disorder. But this is highly contentious and is rejected by most scholars as utterly unsubstantiated. Read this recent article (especially the Introduction):
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