With the upcoming release of Need For Speed Unbound, I decided to re-play the first Need For Speed I ever played. Which also happens to be the first racing game I ever played. Need For Speed Porsche Unleashed was released in the year 2000 and it remains an unique game, not only in the Need For Speed franchise but racing games as a whole. This Need For Speed title is a Porsche encyclopedia, allowing us to race through the brand's history. Each Porsche offers an excellent amount of detail for the year 2000, with functioning interiors and graphics which hold to this present day. Need For Speed Porsche is also different from later releases such as Need For Speed Underground, this racing game is closer to Gran Turismo than Need For Speed Underground instead with physics which lean towards Sim-Cade, with realistic damages as well. It offers a complete different experience from Need For Speed Underground and Need For Speed Most Wanted. A experience that should be visited and begs the question. Is a return to its roots the only way forward for Need For Speed?
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