How One Man Hacked Hypixel...
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#hypixelskyblock #skyblock #hypixel
00:00 Nine Million Dollars of Gold
00:47 Authentication
02:02 Why Servers Can't Log In As You
04:13 What Did Hypixel Mess Up?
05:24 Reverse Proxy
06:00 How BungeeCord Works
06:16 The Security Flaw
07:47 Hypixel's Firewalls
08:16 Hidden In Plain Sight
09:19 The Port Scan
10:13 The Last Stage Of Defense
10:32 The Exploit
11:31 Logging In As Admin
12:55 The Creative Mind
13:17 The Story
13:41 Getting Caught
13:55 The Aftermath
14:52 Don't Be Stupid