There has been a LOT of talk about whether RTS Games in 2023 are a sign that the entire Real-Time Strategy genre is dying. But what got us to this point? There are a bunch of upcoming RTS Games in 2024 - how can the genre be "dead"? But whether you think RTS is Dead or brings up an important question: Is the death of a genre *inevitable*?
This episode we're looking at the Realtime Strategy Game, and how its origins and the nature of games may have spelled its demise.
Check out the full interview with Martin Melicharek!
Song List:
Age of Empires Soundtrack
Purple Clouds - Sarah, the Illstrumentalist
Powerwalkin' - Future Joust
Title - Dune Soundtrack
The Building of a Dynasty - Dune II Soundtrack
Radio - Command & Conquer Soundtrack
Dota 2 Soundtrack
Tidecaller - League of Legends Soundtrack
Traction - Dylan Sitts
War Declared - Crusader Kings III Soundtrack
In Search of Life - Stellaris Soundtrack
Intro Theme - Battlefield 1942 Soundtrack
Towards the Stars - Planetary Annihilation Soundtrack
'Legacy' by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0.
The Farmhouse - Silver Maple
Callout - AGST