Hello cosy community! I want to share my newest sketchbook tour with you all and talk about how sketchbook work is transforming the way I paint final illustrations. I am giving you detailed look at sketchbooks which I have used in the past, sharing composition choices, experimentation and journey to create final illustrations.
Sketchbook nr.1 - I worked on this sketchbook in October of 2023 for Calmtober art challenge. The main purpose for it was to generate new ideas I could transform into final illustrations. I mainly used graphite pencil and one colour watercolour so I can focus more on idea development.
Sketchbook nr.2 - I worked on this sketchbook in October of 2024 and it was also created for Calmtober art challenge. I decided to combine idea exploration and final illustration in the same sketchbook therefore I used various watercolours to fill this sketchbook.
Sketchbook nr.3 - I used this sketchbook for final illustrations for drawing challenge Ancient Woodland which happened in February of 2025.
Sketchbook nr.4 - I used to sketch out compositions with graphite pencil for Ancient Woodland challenge.
Grab yourself a cup of tea, like this video and I hope this will inspire you to pick up your sketchbook and perhaps work on your own illustration ideas. :)
I have added a secret word at the end of the video and if you spot it type it in the comments so I know you stayed till the end.
🌛Mentioned in this video
Sketchbook nr.1 - https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/PrintUrchin - I bought A6 size with Bockingford paper. (This is not Affiliate link)
Sketchbook nr.2 - is handmade - I used Arches 300gsm cotton paper
Sketchbook nr.3 - is handmade - I stapled Midori MD paper
Extra sketchbook where I share sketches from - Nina Costford sketchbook - https://www.ninacosford.com/shop/product/sketchbook/. (This is not Affiliate link)
Calmtober 2023 zine - https://kriksis.art/product/preorder-new-calmtober-zine-2023-edition/
Calmtober 2024 zine - https://kriksis.art/product/a6-calmtober-zine-2024-edition/
Website shop: https://www.kriksis.art
Support me and my art on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/kriksis
Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/kriksisart
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email for sponsorships, product reviews: [email protected]
(Every time you will use these links I will get small commission at no extra cost for you and it helps to support this channel.)
Deep deep light watercolours 10% off with code Kriksis https://deepdeeplight.com/ref/Kriksis/
Toms studio - http://tomsstudio.com/KRIKSISART
Get 10% off your orders over 30£ on Toms studio with KRIKSISART code at the checkout.
Rosemary and Co - https://www.rosemaryandco.com/?u=Kriksis24 Here is code you can add at the checkout - KRIKSIS24
Print.work service I use for my artwork print. Sign up using this link and get 20% welcome discount https://www.print.work/partners/kriksis/
Get free trial epidemic sound for a month. https://share.epidemicsound.com/8f9rj0
Magical linen dresses - https://sondeflor.com/?a=kriksisart Using code KRISTIANA5 will kindly give an extra 5% OFF everything.(Valid in February 2025) (I do earn small commission at no extra cost from you)