In 1982 Jack Hargreaves went to Stow Fair to make a programme for Old Country. I went back this year to see how it has change since those days and met Johny Gumble, the son of a man that Jack had filmed, on his flat cart all those years ago. The video includes some footage from the Old Country programme Stow Fair. #JackHargreaves #StowFair #GypsyHorseFair Production gear: Post production: There were 60 programmes made over a period of three years and were produced by me Dave Knowles for Channel 4. To Buy DVD's of Jack Hargreaves Old Country or Out of Town: *JACKS LATEST DVD SET "Further Out of Town" (via Amazon affiliate link): * Old Country the complete set of 60 programmes [DVD's] (via Amazon affiliate link): * Out of Town: Volume One [DVD](via Amazon affiliate link): * Out of Town: Volume Two [DVD] (via Amazon affiliate link): *This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This help support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for the support!