In today's video we fully test Russian 6B45 Armor. The current issued armor of the Russian Military which is seeing active combat in Ukraine.
4:38 Desert Eagle (.50 AE)
6:26 Benelli M1 Super 90 (sabot slug)
7:50 AKM (7.62x39mm, Chinese mild steel core)
9:24 HK416 (5.56x45mm NATO, SS109/ M855)
13:13 M16A4 (5.56x45mm NATO, M855A1)
14:42 Mk 14 EBR (7.62x51mm NATO, M80 ball)
16:55 Mk 14 EBR (7.62x51mm NATO, M80A1)
19:41 M1 Garand (.30-06 Springfield, Armor-piercing)
21:10 Mk 13 MOD 5 (.300 Winchester magnum)
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