Podcast with DSSSB PRT Exam AIR-8 Topper worked in NDMC.| DSSSB PRT EXAM PREPARATION - Syllabus Completion, Study Tips, Strategy & Resources
In this podcast, we talk with AIR-8 topper of the DSSSB PRT exam, who scored an incredible 177 marks in one of the toughest teaching exams with limited vacancies. This session is a goldmine for aspirants looking to clear the DSSSB PRT exam with flying colors.
Key Highlights of the Podcast:
📚 Syllabus Completion: How to cover the entire syllabus effectively and on time.
📖 Books & Resources: A detailed discussion on Part A & Part B NIOS complete books and other must-have study materials.
📝 Preparation Strategy: Proven methods to prepare efficiently and stay ahead of the competition.
⏳ Revision Schedule: Tips on how to revise effectively and retain important concepts.
🕜Time management Tips
🚫 Mistakes to Avoid: What not to do during preparation to save time and effort.
If you’re preparing for DSSSB PRT or any government teaching exam, this video will provide you with the roadmap to success.
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