Experience daily life in ancient Rome through the eyes of a baby growing up roman from an infant to a teenager and eventually an adult. Go to https://squarespace.com/Invicta to get a free trial and 10% off your first purchase.
In this How They Did It documentary episode we bring history to life by exploring the family setting before covering the major milestones of early life. The major sections include:
Family Setting: The structure of a Roman family centered around the paterfamilias
Childbirth: How Roman mothers delivered their children
Infancy: Naming a baby an raising it properly
Childhood: Early tutelage by a nurse and pedagogues
Teenager: Going to school and attaining freedoms
Adulthood: Marriage and starting a family
Video Credits
Research: Chris Das Neves (@Celebreth on Twitter)
Script: Chris Das Neves
Art: Beverly Johnson
Editing: Invicta
Bibliography and suggested reading
The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy, specifically the chapter “Women in the Roman World,” eds. Christer Bruun and Jonathan Edmondson
Growing Up and Growing Old in Ancient Rome, by Mary Harlow and Ray Laurence
Roman Marriage: Iusti Coniuges from the Time of Cicero to the Time of Ulpian, by Susan Treggiari
Adults and Children in the Roman Empire, by Thomas Wiedemann
Education in Ancient Rome: from the elder Cato to the younger Pliny, by Stanley Bonner
Restless Youth in Ancient Rome, by Emiel Eyben, trans. Dr. Patrick Daly
The Roman Family, by Suzanne Dixon