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አዲስ ኢሜል እና አፕል አካወንት በቀላሉ አከፈፈት! How to Create Gmail Account & Apple ID on Mobile?

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[description] In this video, I'll guide you step-by-step on creating a Gmail account and Apple ID on a mobile phone for Ethiopian. አዲስ ኢሜል አከፋፈት ቀላል በሆነ መንገድ, የ ኢሜል አካወንት ኣንዴት መክፈት እንችላለን,የ ኢሜል አካወንት,ኢሜል አካወንት,አካወንት,ኢሜል ,how to create gmail,how to create gmail account on mobile, ቪድዮውን Like እና Share በማድረግ መልካም አጋርነትዎን ያሳዩን እንዲሁም ሰብስክራይብ ያላደረጋችሁ ካላችሁ የኛ ቤተሰብ ለመሆን ሰብስክራይብ በማድረግ የቻናላችን ቤተሰብ ይሁኑ🙏 ሰብስክራይብ👉👉 🅿🅻🅴🅰🆂🅴 🅵🅾🅻🅻🅾🆆 🅼🅴 🅾🅽 🆂🅾🅲🅸🅰🅻 🅼🅴🅳🅸🅰 FB Page TIK TOK INSTAGRAM TELEGRAM My website: #አይፎን_tips #usedphone_ethiopia #iphone_locked #አይፎን-አጣቀቃም #ethiotech #ethiopiantiktok #ethiopiannews #ethiotelecom #ethiopia #አይፎን #ሞባይልአፕ #ethiomobile #ሞባይልበትሪ #አይፎንስልክአፕ #ethiomobile #freeiphoneapp2020 #ethiopianmobile #mert_silk ሁሉንም የትምርት አይነት,Ethio mobile info,መማር ለሚፈልግ ሁሉ,Ethio mobile,አይፎን ስልክ,ethiopia,addis ababa,ሞባይል ስልክ መጥለፍ እንዴት ይቻላል,ሞባይል ጥገና,ሞባይል ካርድ,ሞባይል ጥገና ትምህርት,5 IOS app,5 አይፎን አፕ,#ethiomobileinfo,#አይፎንአፕ,ሞባይል አፕ,#ethiopiamobile,ሞባይል በትሪ,Ethiopia mobile,Samsung ሞባይል,ስልክ,ስልካችን እንዳይጠለፍ,ናጻ አፕ,አይፎን free አፕ,እሄ አፕ ከሌላቹ ተበድለቹዋል,ኢትሂዮጲያን ሞባይል,عز,عز الخد,مقابلة,ios 13,yesuf app,abrelo hd,ethio app,tst app #iphone_ethiopia #አይፎን-አጣቀቃም #mobile_Tech_ethopia #ethiotelecom #አይፎን #ሞባይልአፕ #ethiomobile #ሞባይልበትሪ #አይፎንስልክአፕ Amharic mobile tutorial,ኢትዮ ሞባይል,ሰምሰንግ ስልክ, Ethio mobile, top mobile apps,አዲስ ስልክ,ስልክ አጠቃቀም,#iPhone_tips_Ethiopia,Ethiopia tech, best phone in Ethiopia,iPhone in Ethiopia, Samsung Ethiopia, Online Business in Ethiopia 2024, Dropshipping, Video_Editing,,#mobile_video_ethiopia,#tecno_mobile_ethiopia, Tech tube Ethiopia, Ready mobile, make money online Ethiopia, apple id iCloud email account phone, best phone near 30000, phone for kids, phone for gaming, phone for vlogging, phone for students, phone for vlogging 2024, phone for videography, phone for video recording, phone for sale, phone for YouTube videos, phone for photography, phone for parents, tenshin imnact, phone near 15000, phone near 20000, phone near 30000, phone near 10000, phone near gas, phone near 25000, phone near wrong number, phone near head at night, phone near speaker noise, near phone number, best phone near 20000, best phone near 10000, phone to laptop screen mirroring, phone to TV connection in Telugu, phone to TV connection in Tamil, phone to PC, phone with best camera, phone with prasad, phone with good camera quality, phone with best camera under 20000, phone with projector, phone with Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, phone with pen, phone with keyboard, phone for you, phone for blind people, phone for gaming and camera, phone to TV connection, phone to laptop connect, phone to TV, phone to phone data transfer, phone to PC file transfer, phone to phone charging, phone to buy in 2024, phone to chak le mera, phone to laptop file transfer, phone to phone screen mirroring
