🎁Download my free e-book: AVOID 10 MOST COMMON MISTAKES IN IELTS SPEAKING: https://social.keithspeakingacademy.com/ARtL
Listen, most people learn how to agree or disagree in English by learning expressions from a book - things like… “I agree up to a point but I have my reservations”
But that’s not how we speak real English, not naturally.
So, knowing how to agree and disagree naturally is a key part of IELTS Speaking, especially in Part 3, so today, I am going to show you a wide range of simple, natural ways to agree and disagree in English, so you can get a higher score in the IELTS Speaking test.
Are you ready?
Say, ‘yes, Keith I am - totally!’
Let’s do it!
Topics covered in this video:
00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:41 Kinds of questions for (dis)agreement
00:03:49 How to agree
00:05:35 Agreeing strongly
00:08:18 Agreeing a little
00:11:34 How to disagree
👍Learn all about the IELTS Speaking test: https://keithspeakingacademy.com/ielts-speaking-test-format/
Practice speaking English with italki (I will give you $10 towards your first lesson):
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Remember, in the actual test, only use language you are comfortable with.
Good luck!