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☞ Buy stuff that I use
⛵️Sungod Sunglasses https://www.sungod.co/s/eR4VYYu3/
⛵️Telemetry Overlay use code JOYRIDERTV for a sweet discount https://bit.ly/telemetryoverlay
⛵️Get perfect audio (waterproof) with Instamic https://instamic.io/?aff=119
⛵️If you want shoes like mine https://xeroshoes.com/go/joyridertv
⛵️USA or Canada and need boat parts https://www.murrays.com/joyrider/
⛵️The best tiller extension https://www.malcheskicomposites.com/shop-tiller-extensions
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Joyrider TV is one of the best channels on YouTube for catamaran sailing tutorials, maintenance, Q+As and great small cat sailing content.
Whether you sail a Hobie, Nacra, Aclass, acat, Prindle, Hurricane, Dart, Windrush, Tornado, Unicorn, F18, F16, Supercat, Thundercat, Dragoon or even a Minicat, you'll find something here to help you. ☞ SUPPORT JOYRIDER TV
⛵️Channel Membership https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1lH...
⛵️Patreon https://www.patreon.com/joseph_bennett
⛵️Getting a T-shirt or Hoodie https://totaljoyrider.com
☞ Buy stuff that I use
⛵️Sungod Sunglasses https://www.sungod.co/s/eR4VYYu3/
⛵️Telemetry Overlay use code JOYRIDERTV for a sweet discount https://bit.ly/telemetryoverlay
⛵️Get perfect audio (waterproof) with Instamic https://instamic.io/?aff=119
⛵️If you want shoes like mine https://xeroshoes.com/go/joyridertv
⛵️USA or Canada and need boat parts https://www.murrays.com/joyrider/
⛵️The best tiller extension https://www.malcheskicomposites.com/shop-tiller-extensions
☞ Follow what's happening
⛵️for the full list of sailing instructional videos https://bit.ly/joyridertvideo
⛵️Subscribe to the newsletter https://totaljoyrider.com/pages/subscribe-to-newsletter
⛵️Join the conversation on Discord https://discord.gg/yNAV54uWc2
⛵️Facebook https://www.facebook.com/totaljoyrider/
⛵️Instagram https://www.instagram.com/totaljoyrider/ A good anchorage offers protection from wind and waves, swinging room, and a quality bottom. Choosing an anchorage that's protected from waves is the best insurance against dragging, as the loads from a pitching bow increase the likelihood of dragging an anchor. Consider the radius of your anchor rode, plus boat length, when you calculate your swinging circle, allowing for changes in wind or current direction, and water depth due to tides. Make sure there are no boats, shoals, rocks, or other objects in that circle. Finally, make sure your anchor works for the particular bottom.
for the full list of sailing instructional videos:
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