When cutting aluminum on an industrial CNC router, the same, age old question keeps cropping up, do I use lubricant or not? Our application specialist recommends using lubricant when cutting aluminum, especially when working with a soft grade as debris can stick to the tool and effect the final outcome. A small amount of lubricant eradicates this issue, removing any debris, prolonging tool life and as a result delivers a high quality finish. You’ll notice from the two finished parts that when applying lubricant, the CNC router produces a smooth, consistent cut. However, without the use of lubricant, faceted lines have appeared, this is a sign that the tool is over heating and will soon be damaged. As a result, this is the reason why we recommend the AXYZ Unist Mister when cutting aluminum on a CNC router. Helpful Tip: When used in conjunction with the Automatic Tool Changer, you will be able to allocate which tool use lubricant and which do not, allowing you to pre-set tools for specific materials. You can learn more about how the Automatic Tool Changer can make your job easier here - http://www.axyz.com/configuration-options/ Visit http://www.axyz.com/metal-fabrication/ for more information on metal fabrication with AXYZ CNC routers. You can also check out the AXYZ Unist Mister by visiting http://www.axyz.com/secondary-options/ Contact us for a quotation on a customised CNC router to suit your needs - http://www.axyz.com/contact-us/ The follow up videos are. How to avoid a poor finish when cutting acrylic on a CNC router https://youtu.be/Dygz0GFtl7E AXYZ Unist Mister https://youtu.be/mcY5o_j-IEk For more information on AXYZ International visit http://www.axyz.com/