In this video I’m going to show you HOW TO BATHE and GROOM a SPHYNX CAT. This includes CLIPPING NAILS and CLEANING EARS.
This is a MUST WATCH for all the Sphynx cat owners!
First let’s explain WHY you need to bathe your hairless cat at least once every couple of weeks.
A hairless cat, also known as Sphynx cat, doesn’t have any fur to protect him from the outside elements. Fur helps separate oils and sweat from the skin. Because of his lack of fur, Sphynx cat has incredibly oily and sweaty skin. It contributes to proliferation of the bacteria and fungi such as yeast on his skin. This means this breed needs frequent baths to maintain healthy and clean skin.
The best place to BATHE YOUR CAT is in the bath tub or a sink.
Remember that the water level should not be higher than your cat’s elbow.
Otherwise, he might get nervous and try to escape by scratching or biting you.
I personally prefer to wash my cat in an empty tub under a running stream of water. This helps to keep him calm.
Please also make sure that the water is warm but not too hot. (it should be around 38 degrees Celsius)
WHAT YOU NEED: a specialized pet shampoo without a powerful scent, a soft sponge and a towel. For GROOMING: Cat nails clippers and a cat ear cleaning product.
Today we will use a special shampoo by VetExpert containing antifungal ingredients such as 2% chlorhexidine and miconazole, which are quite effective when dealing with the skin issues we discussed above. Here are some other products that work fine as well: HexoCare Silber, Alfavet
HexoCare Shampoo 4%, Alfavet Virbac Pyoderm Shampoo, Virbac Douxo Pyo Shampoo, Ceva
Allercalm, Virbac
First thing we are going to do is apply the specialized shampoo, rub it in and leave it on for approximately 5 minutes. This is in order to kill all the bacteria and fungi
Remember to keep the product away from your cat’s mouth, ears and eyes!
The next step is to carefully rinse off the shampoo along with the dirt. When bathing your hairless cat, double-check that you’ve washed off all the shampoo.
Now we’re gonna gently dry our cat with a towel. You don’t want him getting cold from any leftover moisture. Once he’s nice and dry, we will trim his nails and clean his ears.
Though hairless cats don’t need their fur brushed, they still need basic cat grooming such as nail clipping and ear cleaning.
Sphynx cats also don’t have any hair in their ears. This can cause a lot of wax build up, eventually leading to complete blockage of the ear canal. To clean it, be sure to use a soft cloth or a wet wipe and gently swipe inside your cat’s ears. You can use the Q-tips to remove an ear wax as well, but you must be very careful.
From here, take a Q-tip and gently clean the inner part of your cat’s ears. You can also use an ear cleaner specifically made for cats, but don’t use cleaners for humans. Always check with your vet before using any type of cleaning products on your cat to avoid any complications.
Sphynx cats don’t even have hair on their feet. Some do have a little bit of hair on their paws, but they still require trimming. They are susceptible to dirt and dust between their nails. Systematic nails clipping helps to keep their nails clean. Be sure to use a cat nail clipper.
Carefully take one of your cat’s paws in your hand and gently press on the pad until you see their claw clearly. If the claw needs a trim, cut only the sharp point.
If you look at your cat’s claws, you’ll see a darker section inside. This is called the quick. It’s where the nerves and blood vessels are found. Never cut to the quick because your cat may bleed. Instead, only trim the white part of the claw to avoid any injury. It’s always better to leave a longer claw than to cut too deep.
If you are unsure whether or not you can handle this, contact your vet and ask for advice.
IMPORTANT! Always reward the cat after a trim with a treat or special toy. This shows your cat that trimming isn’t a bad and stressful experience and leads to something positive. I always use a tasty multivitamin paste.
This sums it up for today. Thank you for watching and if you would like to see more videos like this, please make sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to the channel for more awesome CAT VIDEOS! :)