Another excellent documentary by Michael Cockerell about the opportunities a prime minister has after leaving office. It was released after Tony Blair resigned circa 2007.
I had extreme difficulty finding this documentary so thought I'd put it here for the benefit of others.
Hopefully one day Michael will find himself an elixir of youth and return to cracking out banger after banger of politically-flavoured golden knowledge nuggets once again. We can all dream. At least new stuff would be easier to find than this ancient papyrus-tier content.
There's a copyright claim at 19:30-20:00 due to a song playing; the audio has been cut off for that 30 seconds. There is very little dialogue lost, the clip is a cinematic mega-cut montage type thing with no commentary until the final few seconds. The lost Callaghan line is "...especially when you're in politics you're dealing with a lot of intangible things, and in politics you don't always see the end of what you're doing. You rarely see the end of what you start out to do." Cockerell then begins around 30s later with "Every modern prime minister once they've left office have written their memoirs. Some have taken a long time to decide do it, others have done it almost immediately..."