Here is the link to the Piano Technician Academy:
Don't forget... Use code: ThePianoDoctor for $100 OFF
Also, if you are hesitant about making such a big decision, here is an awesome video I watched that explains my thoughts exactly when dealing with making a big job decisions like this.
It's called "why you'll waste the next 3 years of your life" (I literally just stumbled on this video in my Youtube Home page haha)
And I know some of you may be skeptical,
like, "come on, not another YouTuber selling a course."
and hey, I actually completely get it (though this isn't even my certification program)
I'm normally the first guy in the room to say:
"you don't need a stupid course"
"Everything you need is on YouTube"
"all of this information is on google"
but this is one of the rare circumstances where I believe a certification program is the way to go...
...there is an old saying that goes
"if you put 10 piano tuners in a room and ask them how to tune a piano, you'll get 10 different answers, and everyone will be arguing that theirs is the only way."
(this goes for repairs as well)
because of this, the tiny bit of info out there is nearly always contradicting itself...
so how do you know who to trust?
Trust the experts...
The Piano Technician Academy have EXPERT trainers (literally world-class)
They. KNOW. their. stuff.
Sure, you can take the long way and try learning yourself from the spotty info on reddit, but most people that try it have 3 months of no progress, end up frustrated, and finally quit.
(or they give in and sign up for the piano technician academy like I ultimately did haha)
Oh, and if you can afford it, go to the other school I mentioned (North Bennet Street School)
I don't get ANY benefit for recommending the school... they're just great (expensive, but great :)
Here's some more of my videos:
"how much I made as an 18 year old piano tuner"