"In this grey blending tutorial you will learn everything you need to know about how to revive the radience of your clients grey hair with intense color vibrancy and shine. Global Wella Educator, Christopher Rea, will share his expert knowledge on the common concerns of those clients with grey hair and guide you through the steps achieve a beautiful grey blending result using using Color Touch.
Grey hair comes with its unique set of concerns and qualities which are worth discussing openly with your client. These can include an uneven appearance, lack of shine, reduced managability and rough & dehydrated hair. Discover why these common concerns occur and learn how to overcome them. Color Touch is ideal for blending grey with your clients natural colour because it delivers up to 70% grey coverage with intense colour vibrancy. Whether your client is looking to blend away their first few greys or looking to move away from full grey coverage, follow the tutorial to discover everything you need to know about how to blend grey hair.
Products used:
Color Touch: https://www.wella.com/professional/en-EN/hair-color/color-touch
Learn more about our grey coverage guide: https://www.wella.com/professional/en-EN/results/gray-coverage
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