How To Break In Stiff 2mm or 3mm Kendogu - Shaping the Kendo Armour
How To Break In Stiff 2mm or 3mm Kendogu - Shaping the Kendo Armour.
Do you have stiff 2mm or 3mm bogu ? Is it uncomfortable to wear ? This video may be of help to you.
I demonstrate two methods to "Break In" your men fast and to the correct shape for your head. This will allow the Men to be tied on correctlly and more comfortably.
The first method was shown to me at a seminar in Dublin hosted by the Irish Kendo Federation by Junichi Tashiro Sensei Kyoshi Hachidan. Tashiro Sensei is a budogu professional and Yoroi armour producer for collectors and films and so on. So he takes presentation very seriously indeed but crucially he understands the design intention behind each peice of the armour and how it should be fitted and measured for optimam comfort and protection.
The second method I learned from a younger Japanese Kenshi who's armour was donated to our club and was tied up in the manner I demonstate in this video. I used this method to shape my men personally as I had learned this prior to meeting Tashiro Sensei.
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