Let us show you the ins and outs of bringing K8S data into your portal, what to “whitelist” for developers and how to drive quality standards. We’ll also discuss DevOps use cases as well as how workflows use the data in the catalog.
This webinar will show how to bring Kubernetes data and ArgoCD data into the software catalog in the internal developer portal, examine an ideal data model for the catalog and how to set scorecards to create a culture of quality engineering.
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#CICD #developerportal #K8S #ArgoCD
▬▬▬▬▬🚢Additional Information🚢▬▬▬▬▬
➡See how the data gets populated in the portal and how it’s used by DevOps, SREs, developers, on-call and even CI workflows.
➡ Learn how developer self-service is set up, from redeploying image tags, restarting running services and changing replica counts.
➡We’ll also answer any questions you may have.
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