** Purchase the E-Book at https://artfully-rogue.myshopify.com/products/how-to-build-a-rain-curtain-effect
** Purchase the Rain Curtain Effect: https://artfully-rogue.myshopify.com/products/pvc-rain-curtain-kit
** Purchase your own custom Rain Curtain Water Feature: https://artfully-rogue.myshopify.com/products/metal-rain-curtain
If you are interested in making your own water feature, here are some resources that might help.
Water pump
45mm pond liner
plastic water basin grating
1/8" nozzles (Glennco Fittings part# 011307)
Thanks for taking the time to watch my video. If you have any suggestions how I can improve or if there is something specific you would like to see, please comment and let me know.
For as long as I can remember, I have always liked making things. And for the most part I am completely self taught. Good ole trial and error was and still is my teacher. Luckily for many of us YouTube has opened up a whole new world of learning and inspiration for makers and creators everywhere.
If you enjoyed watching my videos and would like to help me continue to make videos and share my experience then there are a number of ways that can happen.
I rely mainly on creating and building custom projects from metal and or wood. If there is something you would like to have created then can either reach out to me here on YouTube or check me out on my other social media platforms.
Good old snail mail: Send your stickers and I’ll put them on my sticker wall.
16845 N. 29th. Ave #517
Phoenix, Arizona 85053
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