How to Care and Pot Haworthia Propagations
1. Air Dry for 5-7 days in a cool and shaded spot
2. Use a moisture retentive media such as coarse compost at the bottom part of the pot to lure the root downwards.
You can use a mix of 1 part pumice and 1 part soil-less garden soil to replace the coarse compost.
3. Use Fine Akadama 1-3mm to retain surface moisture needed for rooting Haworthia with no roots
4. You can water them a day after repotting then water once a week or a day after the Fine Akadama toppings dries up.
5. I’m using Starkle G for non toxic systemic insecticide and Nutricote 13-13-13 with trace elements for the controlled release fertilizer.
The video also includes the depuping and beaheading of a Hawothia, features the tearing down of one of my expensive variegated clump 😱😅