Learn how to check TFM in handmade soap. Step by step procedure for the Determination of Total fatty matter (TFM) - the total amount of fatty matter in handmade soap & how to Check the Quality of Soap. සබන් වල TFM අගය කියන්නෙ මොකක්ද? සබන් හදන්නෙ කොහොමද?
පොල්තෙල් වලින් සබන් | How to make soap with coconut oil | Cold process Coconut Oil Soap Recipe:
How to Check TFM in Hand made Soap: Step by Step Procedure:
To theoretically calculate the total fatty matter in handmade soap with natural oils, you will need to know the specific types and amounts of oils used in the soap recipe.
The total fatty matter (TFM) is the percentage of the soap that is made up of the fatty acids present in the oils used to make the soap. To calculate the TFM, you will need to know the saponification value of each oil used in the recipe. The saponification value is a measure of the amount of alkali (such as sodium hydroxide) needed to saponify a certain amount of oil.
Here is the formula for calculating the TFM of handmade soap:
TFM = (Total weight of fatty acids / Total weight of soap) x 100
To calculate the total weight of fatty acids, you will need to multiply the weight of each oil used in the recipe by its fatty acid percentage, then add up the results. For example, if your soap recipe contains 500 grams of oil A with a 80% fatty acids, and 250 grams of oil B with a 78% fatty acids, the total weight of fatty acids would be:
(500g x 0.80) + (250g x 0..78)
To calculate the total weight of soap, simply add up the weights of all the ingredients used in the recipe. Ensure to discount the ingredients that get boiled off. How? Watch the video to learn step by step procedure on how to calculate the TFM of natural soap.
Once you have these values, you can plug them into the TFM formula and calculate the TFM for your handmade soap. Keep in mind that the TFM will vary depending on the specific oils and amounts used in your recipe, and may also be affected by other factors such as temperature and curing time.
How to Check TFM in Handmade Soap, How to Check the Quality of Soap TFM in soap, determination of tfm in soap, TFM in Soap, acid value of fat, oil test, sodium hydroxide, How to make, how to make soap at home
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