Hii everyone welcome back to my channel 🙏 i am Barsha i making videos on vlog, lifestyle, fashion, beauty and many more ✨ if you watching my video first time plz subscribe my channel 😊
Brand pitch:-
Hello (brand name)Team
I'm a beauty, fashion, lifestyle creator with a dedicated audience on YouTube and instagram.i specialize in product reviews . helping brand's reach and engage with a broad audience interested in beauty and lifestyle.
I'd love to explore a partnership where
I review your products,and share honest
feedback and insights . with my platform and reach .i aim to enhance broad visibility and trust among our share audience .
Looking forward to discussing potential opportunities !
Warm regards
(Your name)
Agency's -
Budding influencer -https://www.instagram.com/buddinginfluencers
Thepinkpentherco -https://www.instagram.com/thepinkpantherco
Groomyoyrgram -https://www.instagram.com/groomyourgram
Snackmedia -https://www.instagram.com/snackmedia.official
Saucee media -https://www.instagram.com/saucee.ai
Broze media https://www.instagram.com/brozmedia.in
My Instagram id -https://www.instagram.com/barshaamaity
YouTube -https://youtube.com/@Barshaamaity
For business queries [email protected]
How to collaborate with brands, how to pitch brands, collaboration, how i collaboration with brands
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