Some people choose to embrace clover, but you may not be so lucky if it’s appearing in your lawn when you don’t want it to.
In this video we share how to treat it…
Clover is a common lawn-weed and as far as weeds go on the ease-of-eradication-scale; clover is simple to control in most cases.
How to identify clover
Clover can be easily identified in your lawn by its oval shaped leaves. It will commonly grow in 3 leaflets, four if you’re lucky, with a white circular marking across all of the leaves. Clover will have a creeping stem that touches the ground and will produce either a white or pink flower depending on the species.
Mowing the clover back will help keep it under control to some degree but won’t prevent it from coming back, provided you don’t cut the lawn too short. Cutting your lawn short can stress out your grass, leaving it vulnerable to clover taking hold.
There are a number of broadleaf weed and clover specific selective weed sprays like Estate Broadleaf Herbicide and All Purpose Weed Control that will do the job relatively quickly.
Estate Herbicides comes in a concentrate form and will need to be mixed up with water in a knapsack or garden sprayer. All Purpose Weed Control has an easy-to-use clip-on hose attachment.
In most cases when you see clover growing in your lawn it means that there isn’t enough nitrogen. Lawns love nitrogen, while clover not so much, so increasing the nitrogen in your lawn is a must if you want to get on top of the clover long term.
Use what they call a high NPK fertiliser, one that has high levels of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium – something like Lawn Solutions Premium Fertiliser.
Read the label for the best advice for the rate you should apply and be sure to water-in well. Keeping your lawn’s nitrogen levels in check by fertilising, will prevent clover from coming back.
For specific information for your turf variety and climate, get in touch with us here or contact your local Lawn Solutions Australia Member.
You can find these products, plus many more important lawn care products online at the Lawn Solutions Lawn Store.
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