Hey Everyone! This tutorial shows you how to join your granny squares with the continuous join as you go method (cjayg). I will show you how to do this with the "invisible" look and then finish the tutorial with the "braided" or "rope" like effect. Both are lovely and work up super fast saving you time and yarn and way less sewing! The yarn I'm using in this tutorial is Michaels Loops and Threads Impeccable in the colour Putty. If you are following along with the Finn's Blanket Pattern you will be joining with the colour Navy. Unfortunately Navy wasn't showing up well on my test video and I really wanted you to be able to see the effect the braided look has once finished. Happy Crocheting! M www.nautikrallcrochet.com Instagram @nautikrallcrochet ETSY: https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/NautiKrall?ref=simple-shop-header-name&listing_id=1404211604 RAVELRY: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/finns-granny-square-blanket https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/retro-stripe-sunburst-granny-throw