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How to Cut Stained Glass from a lifelong stained glass craftsman. We unlock the mesmerizing world of stained glass craftsmanship with our in-depth tutorial on how to expertly cut stained glass. Whether you're a seasoned artisan or a curious beginner, this video will walk you through the essential tools, techniques, and tips needed to create stunning stained glass masterpieces.
Links to tools used:
GLASS CUTTERS: https://cavalliniglass.com/pages/search-results-page?rb_product_type=Glass%20Cutters
RUNNING PLIERS / GROZERS: https://cavalliniglass.com/pages/search-results-page?rb_product_type=Runners/Pliers/Grozers
GRINDERS: https://cavalliniglass.com/pages/search-results-page?rb_product_type=Grinders
CUTTING OILS: https://cavalliniglass.com/pages/search-results-page?rb_product_type=Glass%20Cutter%20Fluid
STRAIGHT EDGES: https://cavalliniglass.com/products/miscellaneous-frames-rulers_18_aluminum_ruler_-_straight_edge_-_2076_rulers
PATTERN SHEARS: https://cavalliniglass.com/pages/search-results-page?rb_product_type=Pattern%20Shears
MARKERS: https://cavalliniglass.com/pages/search-results-page?rb_product_type=Pens/Markers/Pencils
ABRASIVE STONE: https://cavalliniglass.com/products/hand_tool_items_abrasive_stone
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