www.CombPal.com CombPal hair cutting comb is a smart hair cutting tool, makes your haircuts better, easier and faster. CombPal haircutting kit can do but clippers can't do:
*Longer guides up to 2 1/2" (6.4 cm), good for cutting longer lengths on top.
*Adjustable angles let you customize each cut.
*Allows texture point cutting for a softer finishing look and a longer-lasting shape than clipper cuts.
*Easier to control, consistent length and angle, and avoids mistakes
*Or combine with a clipper...use the clipper cut on the bottom and CombPal on top for longer hair
*Good for clipper over comb as well
CombPal comes with instructions for six popular haircuts.
Made in Canada.
Visit us at www.CombPal.com, or e-mail us at [email protected]