Book: Brave Not Perfect by: Reshma Saujani
“How tf do you deal comparison?
You’re surrounded
by beautiful women
in LA everyday, how
do you not ever feel insecure??
I think I’m attractive and then
I’m around one beautiful girl
and I start comparing literally
everything and I think I’m not pretty
anymore and start thinking I should
dye my hair like her, or talk like her,
or wear the shoes she wears, it’s honestly
so draining.”
“Be honest Char
cuz i can sense it,
you hate hookup
culture & have never
involved yourself,
“what do you think
is the most
challenging part
of being a model?”
“how can i build
deeper connections
with people?
i feel like i never
have something to say.”
“Where did you get
your confidence?”
“I constantly find
validation from
guys and it’s up to the
attention that I get from
guys whether I feel
confident or not. How do
I stop being like this?
Everytime a guy stops talking
to me i get super insecure
and start to feel like I just
wasn’t enough for them or start to
compare myself to the girls that they talk to after me.”
“Any advice on
how to stop holding
yourself back? I
know i havent really
fully been living my
life but ive been
scared to risk the safety
& peace i have in it.”
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