🚀 Want to **deploy a Flask app using Docker and DockerHub on AWS EC2**? In this tutorial, I’ll guide you through the **step-by-step process** to containerize your Flask app, push it to **DockerHub**, and deploy it on an **AWS EC2 instance** using Docker.
By the end of this video, you’ll learn:
✅ How to **containerize a Flask app using Docker**
✅ How to **push and pull Docker images from DockerHub**
✅ How to **deploy and run the Flask app on AWS EC2**
✅ How to **expose the Flask app to the internet using AWS security groups**
## **🔹 What You’ll Learn in This Video:**
✔️ How to **write a Dockerfile for a Flask app**
✔️ How to **build and test a Docker image locally**
✔️ How to **upload the Docker image to DockerHub**
✔️ How to **install Docker on AWS EC2**
✔️ How to **run a Flask container on AWS EC2**
## **🔹 Prerequisites**
✔️ **AWS Account** ([Sign Up Here](https://aws.amazon.com/free/))
✔️ **Docker & DockerHub Account** ([Sign Up Here](https://hub.docker.com/))
✔️ Basic knowledge of **Flask & Python**
✔️ A Flask app ready for deployment
## **🔹 Step 1: Write a Dockerfile for Flask**
In your Flask project folder, create a **Dockerfile**:
# Use an official Python runtime as a parent image
FROM python:3.9
# Set the working directory
# Copy the current directory contents into the container
COPY . /app
# Install dependencies
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
# Expose the port Flask runs on
# Define the command to run the Flask app
CMD ["python", "app.py"]
## **🔹 Step 2: Build & Test the Docker Image Locally**
1️⃣ Open your terminal and navigate to your Flask app directory.
2️⃣ Run the following command to build the Docker image:
docker build -t my-flask-app .
3️⃣ Run the Flask container locally to test:
docker run -p 5000:5000 my-flask-app
4️⃣ Open your browser and go to **http://localhost:5000** to see your Flask app running.
## **🔹 Step 3: Push the Docker Image to DockerHub**
1️⃣ Log in to DockerHub from your terminal:
docker login
2️⃣ Tag the Docker image with your DockerHub username:
docker tag my-flask-app your-dockerhub-username/my-flask-app
3️⃣ Push the image to DockerHub:
docker push your-dockerhub-username/my-flask-app
✅ Now your Flask Docker image is **hosted on DockerHub** and ready to be deployed on AWS EC2.
## **🔹 Step 4: Launch an AWS EC2 Instance**
1️⃣ Log in to **AWS Console** → Go to **EC2**
2️⃣ Click **Launch Instance**
3️⃣ Select an **Amazon Machine Image (AMI)**:
- **Ubuntu 22.04 LTS** (Recommended)
- **Amazon Linux 2**
4️⃣ Choose **Instance Type** → Select **t2.micro** (Free Tier)
5️⃣ Configure **Security Group**:
- Allow **SSH (port 22)**
- Allow **HTTP (port 80)**
- Allow **Custom TCP Rule (port 5000)** for Flask
6️⃣ Click **Launch** and **download the key pair (`.pem` file)**
## **🔹 Step 5: Connect to AWS EC2 via SSH**
🔹 **For Mac/Linux Users:**
chmod 400 your-key.pem
ssh -i your-key.pem ubuntu@your-ec2-public-ip
🔹 **For Windows Users (Using PuTTY):**
1️⃣ Convert `.pem` to `.ppk` using **PuTTYgen**
2️⃣ Open **PuTTY**, enter **EC2 Public IP**, and load the `.ppk` key
3️⃣ Click **Open** and log in as `ubuntu` (for Ubuntu) or `ec2-user` (for Amazon Linux)
## **🔹 Step 6: Install Docker on AWS EC2**
Once connected to EC2, run the following commands:
🔹 **Update system and install Docker:**
sudo apt update && sudo apt install docker.io -y
🔹 **Enable & Start Docker Service:**
sudo systemctl enable docker
sudo systemctl start docker
🔹 **Verify Docker installation:**
docker --version
## **🔹 Step 7: Pull & Run Flask Docker Image from DockerHub**
1️⃣ Pull your Flask app image from DockerHub:
docker pull your-dockerhub-username/my-flask-app
2️⃣ Run the Flask container on EC2:
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 your-dockerhub-username/my-flask-app
✅ Your Flask app is now running on port **5000** on your AWS EC2 instance.
## **🔹 Step 8: Access Your Flask App on AWS**
1️⃣ Open your browser and go to:
2️⃣ 🎉 Your Flask app is now live on AWS EC2!
## **🔹 Optional: Run Flask Container in the Background (Restart on Reboot)**
To keep your container running even after reboot, use:
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped -p 5000:5000 your-dockerhub-username/my-flask-app
### **🔹 Hashtags:**
#AWS #Docker #Flask #EC2 #DeployFlask #DockerHub #Python #CloudComputing #DevOps #DockerContainers #AWSDeployment