What makes a map useful for Table Top RPGs? How can we design maps that excited the senses and support stories of perilous adventure? We make make a case for what it means for a map to be evocative and advenient!
Twitter: @kylelatino
Check out my itch page here: https://mapcrow.itch.io/
All music from Aufhocker: https://aufhocker.bandcamp.com/
Christina Murdoch Mills "Materiality as the Basis for the Aesthetic Experience in Contemporary Art": https://scholarworks.umt.edu/etd/1289/
Roland Barthes "Camera Lucida": https://www.amazon.com/Camera-Lucida-Reflections-Roland-Barthes/dp/0374532338
Anna Anthropy and Naomi Clark "Game Design Vocabulary": https://www.amazon.com/Game-Design-Vocabulary-Foundational-Principles/dp/0321886925
Old Roads: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/kylelatino/old-roads
I often ink with a .05 Black Micron Pen. You can buy them here: https://amzn.to/3vJe5GU