We are proud to announce that we have partnered with naturalist, artist and educator John Muir Laws to offer you a three class series covering the fundamentals of drawing birds
How to Draw Garden Birds: Learn how to capture the form and feeling of sparrows, warblers and other common songbirds with fast and efficient lines. Learn key anatomical details to help you draw them accurately in the field or in the studio.
We want to see your art! Share your work on Instagram and Facebook using #drawbirds2020
Support Richardson Bay Audubon: https://act.audubon.org/onlineactions/rveHI5njo0GrUIjeYfG55A2
Here is a list of equipment from John Muir Laws, including the Non Photo Blue pencil, waterbrush, and palette he used in the class: https://johnmuirlaws.com/field-sketching-equipment/
You can purchase those items as well as his book, The Laws Guide to Drawing Birds, in his store. When you purchase books through his store, it helps support John and his work. https://johnmuirlaws.com/store/
John mentions the BirdPixel.com and SeeingBirds.com as resources in the class.
Here is the bird handout from the workshop: https://johnmuirlaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Bird-Model.pdf