If you'd like a step by step procedure on how to sand, stain, and finish your wood floor please email hardwoodfloorrefinishing101@gmail.com for details. I'll respond directly.
Please include your first name, pics, and any information you have.
I also offer 30, or 60 minute phone call, FaceTime, Zoom, or FB messenger meetings. For details, and pricing please email: hardwoodfloorrefinishing101@gmail.com
This video explains how to drum sand a hardwood floor without creating chatter marks.
I made this video for the DIY'ers with minimal experience operating a drum sander. You should always drum sand plank parallel for your final passes.
Note: Other factors that could cause chatter marks may include: Improper paper installation, or an unbalanced, or damaged shaft arbor.
To discuss your specific job with me, I offer 30, or 60 minute phone call, FaceTime, Zoom, or FB messenger meetings. For details, and pricing please email: hardwoodfloorrefinishing101@gmail.com
The floor sanding machine I used:
American Sanders EZ8 drum sander: https://americansanders.com/2016/04/ez-8-drum-sander.
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All music in this video is provided by DAF Music Productions and is protected by copyright.
How To Drum Sand Without Creating Chatter Marks (Ep#41)