A year ago, I watched this video: https://youtu.be/yIsbVpBJ110 - since then, my mind has been opened to the depth of this problem.
Everyone's a slave to something. Money, sex, social media, routines, etc. Most people don't have the skills to make money whenever they want, so they become chained to a paycheck.
One-Person Business Foundations (free): https://theone-personbusiness.com
Generate Infinite Creative Ideas (free): https://7daystogenius.com
13 Creator Trainings (free): https://theone-personbusiness.com/#trainings
––– Paid Courses & Products –––
My book: http://theartoffocusbook.com
Writing & Content Course: https://2hourwriter.com
Marketing & Monetization Course: https://mentalmonetization.com
Life's Work Masterclass (+ both courses): https://digitaleconomics.school
Kortex, The Second Brain For Creators: https://kortex.co
––– More Content –––
The Koe Letter - get the written version of videos in your email every Saturday before they release: https://thedankoe.com
Listen To The Koe Cast (same videos but in audio form): https://open.spotify.com/show/3lZRG3LCFZxKkQVSsCwoyN?si=012980a5fd694608
Twitter: https://twitter.com/thedankoe
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YouTube: https://youtube.com/c/DanKoeTalks
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0:00 Modern Slavery Is Real
6:26 Society Is A Pyramid Scheme Of Attention
11:20 The Wage Slave
13:42 Entrepreneurship Is Modern Survival
16:38 Skill & Opportunity
Video title ideas (for the algo!):
how to quit your 9-5 job for good
how to become an entrepreneur in 2023
#WageSlavery #Entrepreneurship #Philosophy