Michael Sandel spoke at an event organised by the Karl Renner Institute in Vienna on 18 January 2024.
He talked about the dark side of meritocracy: how the erosion of the dignity of work has created the anger and frustration from which right-wing populist movements around the world draw their strength.
Michael Sandel teaches political philosophy at Harvard University and is one of the most respected moral philosophers of our time. His works have been translated into 27 languages, and his course “Justice – what’s the right thing to do” has been watched by tens of millions of people on YouTube.
00:42 Gründe für den Zuspruch zu Populist:innen wie Trump
10:56 Die Schattenseite der Leistungsgesellschaft
20:41 Neoliberale Globalisierung und Demokratie
29:15 Die Würde der Arbeit erneuern
45:00 Öffentliche Debatten wiederbeleben